Class Activities

Escola Básica e Secundária Mouzinho da Silveira

Since 17th of September I am experiencing my Comenius Assitantship at the EBS Mouzinho da Silveira. The school is the only school on Corvo Island. A total of 38 students are beeing tought by approximately 15 teachers. I acompany the English teacher, Susana Rosa, in all her classes from 1st to 9th grade. 
On this part of the Blog I want to inform about the class activities that we initiate.

Find out more about our school:


Welcome to he scariest night of the year. 

Our students have been cutting ghosts, bats, pumpkins and frankensteins for days and days. Finally, the day arrived. The decoration was put up and tables in the downstairs hall were waiting to display the most creative, scariest pumpkins our students could come up with. One by one they handed in their masterpiece. Slowly and curiously the crowd gathered in the gym, where the best costume was to be awarded. At the end of the day all those scary creatures, vampires, witches with their brooms, ghosts and undead were watching the "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". Thanks to everyone for their support and creative, just as scary contribution.

The competition for the scariest Jack-O-Lantern was tough.


And here a shot of our scary creatures! 

Valentine's Day- Dia das namoradas

Let me be your Valentine...

Valentine's day or rather "Dia das noamoradas", in Portuguese, is widely celebrated in Portugal. The stores in town had some special items on display and the local restaurants offered romantic Valentine's day dinners.
Today we celebrated Valentine's Day in school. The School was nicely decorated with hearts.
All of the older classes wrote Valentine's cards, which were delivered by our cute little cupids, the twins Rafael and Amanda from first grade. We also elected Mr. and Mrs. Valentine who were shown in a poster. 

Picture by Sara Sousa


1° e 4° - Christmas Carols

Our first book this year for the fourth grade!
These days we are practicing our English skills and prepare for the Christmas Party.
We already know how to count in English and say "Hello" and "Good bye".
Our newest skills are the colors. Pink, blue, red, yellow, brown, black, green easy for us!!

Our older student (4°) just finished reading her first book:

My favorite toy!

This week our youngest English learners brought their favorite toy to school. They did a real good job describing the colours or finding the right toy according to a description.

Nicole (1° Ano) and her pink doll; 
Rafael (1° Ano) and his orange, red, green and white fish; 
Amanda (1° Ano) and her pink, green, blue, yellow doll; 
Martim (1° Ano) and his green, yellow, orange and black tractor; 
Sara (4° Ano) and the picture she drew of her doll Maria. Maria has got black hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a pink dress.


2° e 3° - Classroom language and objects

Wow, our whole classroom is covered with labels and English sentences.

Me and my family

After learning all the numbers, the alphabet as well as the colors and shapes we now approached the difficult topic of family and relatives. The students are discovering, naming and drawing fictive and their own families. Here you can see one of our achievements, the Anderson Family:


5° - Go fishing

Question of the week: "Have you got an elephant?"; "Has she got a bear?"

Physical Appearances

All those weird people waiting at the bus stop. Who is that tall and skinny lady? And who is John? He is short and big, he doesn't have a lot of hair. How would you describe Rabbit? And what do you and your classmates look like?

Rooms of the house

Drawing pictures on the whiteboard is becoming one of our main teaching stratagies and we ar getting more and more experienced in it. The students are very curious about the evolving drawings. Funny features make the pictures more memorable.
This time we created a whole house to discuss the rooms and some furniture in it. Basic elements of the lesson were to ask where people and things are. The students used the structure There is/There are to answer those questions.

Online conference (25.01.2013)

The fifth year successfully participated in an online conference with a sixth grade from Italy. Even for me this was an exciting event. This was my very first online conference with a class. Our students talked about their names and age, favorite colors, favorite food, pets, sports and football teams. Our three children had the pleasure of talking all the time while the Italian class, which contains more than 20 students, had to share their time in front of the computer. The Italian students were very excited and asking us questions, while we had prepared short presentations. In the end our students performed a song they sang for the 'three kings day'. The Italian kids sang an english song for us which they had performed on their christmas party.

It was a very nice hour and a great opportunity for the students to practice their English.

Thank you Deolinda Estevão for your support and establishing the contact.
We hope to be having another online conference soon.


6° - Poster: My school.

Today we had the first presentations about "my school". Soon you will be able to see our products in the school's  hallways. The students made an effort to describe their schools and accompany their texts with pictures.


Do you know all your body parts! The sixth grade does.


7° - Poster: My parent's jobs and my dreamjob.

In the seventh grade we recently had a poster presentation. The Students had to do some research about their parents' jobs and present them according to previously discussed guidelines. Moreover they presented their dreamjobs and explained what they have to do in order to work in that job.

Asking for and giving directions 


Recently, the Students from 8° grade are preparing a bookpresentation. Right now they are reading books they chose from a given variety. Some of the books are comics, some are fulltext books.

Ordering food

In order to practice how to order and behave in a restaurant we took our seventh grade to the local bar today. After practicing in school all students ordered something to drink and a snack in English. Of course the conversation while enjoxing our snacks was English as well just as the English speaking service. 

Thank you Joao e Angela (BBC)


8° - Bookpresentation

Recently, the Students from 8° grade are preparing a bookpresentation. Right now they are reading books they chose from a given variety. Some of the books are comics, some are fulltext books.
We are excited to hear about the stories!

"Taxi of Terror"

by Philip Burrows and Mark Foster
Oxford UP
presented by Nadia Cabeceira

'How does it work?' Jack asks when he opens his present - a mobile phone. Later that night, Jack is a prisoner in a taxi in the empty streets of the dark city. He now tries his mobile phone for the first time. Can it save his life?

"Oranges in the Snow"

by Philip Burrows and Mark Foster
Oxford UP
by Igor Ferreira

'Everything's ready now. We can do the experiment,' says your assistant Joe.
You are the famous scientist Mary Durie working in a laboratory in Alaska. When you discover something very new and valueable, other people want to try to steal your idea - can you stop them before they escape?

"New York Café"

by Michael Dean
Oxford UP
presented by Andreia Proença

It is the year 2030, and an e-mail message arrives at New York Café: 'I want to help people and make them happy!' But not everybody is happy about the e-mail, and soon the police and the President are very interested in the New York Café.

My town now and 50 years ago

Our 8th grade students are working on a project about their home town. They got the task to present their city how it was 50 years ago and point out the differences.To gather information we had a meeting with the mayor today. Fortunately, his English skills are excellent and he was able to give the presentation in English. Our students prepared questions regarding the social and work life 50 years ago. With lots of interesting stories and pictures the mayor managed to convey a vivid image of the ancient town.

We are looking forward to reading your essays.


9° - Lernkartei (vocabulary - box)

To improve vocabulary learning skills and the range of used vocabulary the 9° grade just produced "Lernkarteikästen" (vocabulary - box). We hope to see some good progress on their vocabulary level.

If you want to create a vocabulary - box follow the instructions on this pdf.

How to use it:

1. You write information on a small peace of paper. It can be a question or some vocabulary, even a mathematical term. Then you write the answer on the backside. Put new cards into the first department.
2. Take out a card and check whether you know the correct equivalent. You can do that either verbaly or write it down. You can do that alone or with a friend, parent, colleague.
3. When you answered the card correctly put it in the next higher department. If your answer was wrong put the card back into the first department.
4. Keep repeating this procedure as often as possible and try to keep every vocabulary-card in the fifth department.
Have fun!

Our vocabulary boxes:

Here you can see our vocabulary boxes. After you build them you can design them the way you like and give them your own personal style.

We already started working with them. Now it has to become a habbit to really change things. Let's see how that goes.


Recently, the Students from 9° grade are preparing a bookpresentation. Right now they are reading books they chose from a given variety. Some of the books are comics, some are fulltext books.


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